Your Visual Story,
Our Stock Videos

Your go-to source for high-quality, aesthetic vertical video content

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Our pre-made videos allow you to produce high-quality content without the need for extensive planning or production time
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Our curated collection of aesthetically pleasing vertical videos helps you stand out and connect with your followers
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Our stock video platform offers a cost-effective alternative to hiring professional content creators. Choose from our library of pre-made videos or customize them to fit your specific needs
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«Your Story,
Visually Edited»
Founder of Visual Edit
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Our Story
Anastasia Florels
Maxim Kain
Our Story
Hi, I’m Anastasia! With over 8 years in social media, I’ve seen many clients struggle to create enough content — whether due to budget constraints or feeling uncomfortable in front of the camera.

That's why I decided to create something that would make content creation easier for all the amazing entrepreneurs, creators, and social media managers out there. I teamed up with my partner Maxim to bring this idea to life. That’s how Visual Edit was born — a solution that helps you effortlessly create stunning, on-trend content that keeps your brand looking its best.

We’re so happy to have you as part of our community and can’t wait to see how Visual Edit helps you shine online.

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Endless content possibilities for Reels, TikToks, and more
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